
Monday, April 2, 2012

$15 iTunes Gift Card


Q: Gan, Apa itu iTunes Gift Card ?
A: untuk user Apple iDevice (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) dan Mac, pasti tau dong kalo mau belanja di iTunes atau AppStore harus menggunakan Credit Card (CC)? Nah, buat yang ga bisa atau ga mau menggunakan CC baik karena takut CCnya dihack, atau belum punya CC, tersedia yang namanya iTunes Gift Card (iGC) yang di dalamnya berisi saldo / balance dalam satuan dollar, yang bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran dalam pembelanjaan aplikasi, lagu, film, ataupun buku (iBooks) di iTunes atau AppStore... Gampangnya, seperti fungsi pulsa, dimana saldo kita akan berkurang sesuai dengan harga item yang akan kita beli, dan bisa diisi ulang kapanpun semau kita

Q: Apa aja keuntungan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: ga perlu jailbreak untuk mendapatkan aplikasi dan game yang bagus (karena jailbreak menyebabkan hilangnya garansi device Apple anda), ga perlu repot membuat Credit Card, lebih mudah dalam mengendalikan penggunaan uang anda karena saldo bisa dipantau dan bebas dari jeratan hutang karena menggunakan Credit Card, Mudah, Murah, dan yang paling penting ga usah takut BERDOSA karena kita membeli dengan cara yang halal, legal, resmi, dan kita juga turut menghargai jerih payah developer aplikasi

Q: Kok murah jauh gan kalo dibanding lapak sebelah? Ini LEGAL, ORIGINAL, RESMI, dan BEBAS BANNED kan?
A: Kalau soal beda harga dari lapak sebelah mungkin karena relativitas setiap seller yang beda - beda dalam menentukan margin keuntungan gan tapi seperti slogan Warung iTunes, Code iTunes Gift Card yang kami jual ini 100% ORIGINAL & LEGAL, NO HACK, NO krack, NO WORRIES!! Garansi full lifetime anti disable, karena original dari Apple... (Nb: Garansi tidak berlaku kalau anda sebelumnya pernah menggunakan Gift Card hasil krack / hack / carding yang illegal ya gan tetapi kalau anda selalu menggunakan Gift Card Original, tentu saja produk kami ini aman untuk anda )

Q: Apa saja yang bisa saya beli dengan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: Anda bisa membeli aplikasi dan games untuk iPhone, iPad, iPod touch kesayangan anda di iTunes, beli aplikasi / OS terbaru untuk Mac di Mac AppStore, beli lagu, film, buku (iBooks) In-App Purchases, dan Produk digital Apple lainnya

Q: iTunes ID saya regional Indonesia (atau Singapore, UK, Japan, dll) nih gan, bukan US.. bisa pakai Gift Card ini juga ngga?
A: Gift Card ini khusus dan WAJIB menggunakan account US gan Tidak bisa untuk regional negara lain.. Apple, dalam menjual Gift Card, membedakan currency nominalnya berdasarkan Regional.. jadi jika currency dalam bentuk Dollar US ($), tidak bisa diisi untuk Regional negara lain, termasuk Japan, UK, ataupun Indonesia.. Untuk UK dan Japan serta negara lain sendiri, ada Gift Card khusus untuk regional tersebut Jadi, sekali lagi, Produk yang kami jual hanya bisa digunakan untuk acount Regional US saja

Q: Saya ngga punya account US nih gan, bisa ngga agan bikinin IDnya untuk saya? caranya bagaimana? berapa biayanya?
A: boleh ke sini dulu gan/sis --

Q: Gan, kalo misalnya code yg agan berikan sudah ter-redeem gimana?
A: Kalau code yang saya berikan ternyata sudah ter-redeem, segera konfirmasikan ke saya dan akan segera saya cek gan apakah ada kesalahan data atau code yang saya berikan, dan segera saya ganti dengan code baru yg fresh jika memang terbukti kesalahan saya dan apabila code yang saya berikan fresh tetapi ternyata tetap tertulis ter-redeem, akan segera saya laporkan ke Apple dan pihak Apple akan melakukan tracking apakah benar code tersebut sudah digunakan, digunakan untuk ID mana, dan jika terbukti ID tersebut melakukan kecurangan, ID tersebut bisa didispute dan dibanned permanen jadi, tidak perlu kuatir bertransaksi dengan WeanStore : Warung iTunes, karena keamanan 100% dan disupport langsung oleh Apple

Q: Ada pertanyaan lain nih gan, kalo mau tanya kemana ya?
A: bisa contact ke contact person yang ada di atas gan
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

$25 iTunes Gift Card


Q: Gan, Apa itu iTunes Gift Card ?
A: untuk user Apple iDevice (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) dan Mac, pasti tau dong kalo mau belanja di iTunes atau AppStore harus menggunakan Credit Card (CC)? Nah, buat yang ga bisa atau ga mau menggunakan CC baik karena takut CCnya dihack, atau belum punya CC, tersedia yang namanya iTunes Gift Card (iGC) yang di dalamnya berisi saldo / balance dalam satuan dollar, yang bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran dalam pembelanjaan aplikasi, lagu, film, ataupun buku (iBooks) di iTunes atau AppStore... Gampangnya, seperti fungsi pulsa, dimana saldo kita akan berkurang sesuai dengan harga item yang akan kita beli, dan bisa diisi ulang kapanpun semau kita

Q: Apa aja keuntungan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: ga perlu jailbreak untuk mendapatkan aplikasi dan game yang bagus (karena jailbreak menyebabkan hilangnya garansi device Apple anda), ga perlu repot membuat Credit Card, lebih mudah dalam mengendalikan penggunaan uang anda karena saldo bisa dipantau dan bebas dari jeratan hutang karena menggunakan Credit Card, Mudah, Murah, dan yang paling penting ga usah takut BERDOSA karena kita membeli dengan cara yang halal, legal, resmi, dan kita juga turut menghargai jerih payah developer aplikasi

Q: Kok murah jauh gan kalo dibanding lapak sebelah? Ini LEGAL, ORIGINAL, RESMI, dan BEBAS BANNED kan?
A: Kalau soal beda harga dari lapak sebelah mungkin karena relativitas setiap seller yang beda - beda dalam menentukan margin keuntungan gan tapi seperti slogan Warung iTunes, Code iTunes Gift Card yang kami jual ini 100% ORIGINAL & LEGAL, NO HACK, NO krack, NO WORRIES!! Garansi full lifetime anti disable, karena original dari Apple... (Nb: Garansi tidak berlaku kalau anda sebelumnya pernah menggunakan Gift Card hasil krack / hack / carding yang illegal ya gan tetapi kalau anda selalu menggunakan Gift Card Original, tentu saja produk kami ini aman untuk anda )

Q: Apa saja yang bisa saya beli dengan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: Anda bisa membeli aplikasi dan games untuk iPhone, iPad, iPod touch kesayangan anda di iTunes, beli aplikasi / OS terbaru untuk Mac di Mac AppStore, beli lagu, film, buku (iBooks) In-App Purchases, dan Produk digital Apple lainnya

Q: iTunes ID saya regional Indonesia (atau Singapore, UK, Japan, dll) nih gan, bukan US.. bisa pakai Gift Card ini juga ngga?
A: Gift Card ini khusus dan WAJIB menggunakan account US gan Tidak bisa untuk regional negara lain.. Apple, dalam menjual Gift Card, membedakan currency nominalnya berdasarkan Regional.. jadi jika currency dalam bentuk Dollar US ($), tidak bisa diisi untuk Regional negara lain, termasuk Japan, UK, ataupun Indonesia.. Untuk UK dan Japan serta negara lain sendiri, ada Gift Card khusus untuk regional tersebut Jadi, sekali lagi, Produk yang kami jual hanya bisa digunakan untuk acount Regional US saja

Q: Saya ngga punya account US nih gan, bisa ngga agan bikinin IDnya untuk saya? caranya bagaimana? berapa biayanya?
A: boleh ke sini dulu gan/sis

Q: Gan, kalo misalnya code yg agan berikan sudah ter-redeem gimana?
A: Kalau code yang saya berikan ternyata sudah ter-redeem, segera konfirmasikan ke saya dan akan segera saya cek gan apakah ada kesalahan data atau code yang saya berikan, dan segera saya ganti dengan code baru yg fresh jika memang terbukti kesalahan saya dan apabila code yang saya berikan fresh tetapi ternyata tetap tertulis ter-redeem, akan segera saya laporkan ke Apple dan pihak Apple akan melakukan tracking apakah benar code tersebut sudah digunakan, digunakan untuk ID mana, dan jika terbukti ID tersebut melakukan kecurangan, ID tersebut bisa didispute dan dibanned permanen jadi, tidak perlu kuatir bertransaksi dengan WeanStore : Warung iTunes, karena keamanan 100% dan disupport langsung oleh Apple

Q: Ada pertanyaan lain nih gan, kalo mau tanya kemana ya?
A: bisa contact ke contact person yang ada di atas gan
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Saturday, March 31, 2012

$30 iTunes Gift Card


Q: Gan, Apa itu iTunes Gift Card ?
A: untuk user Apple iDevice (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) dan Mac, pasti tau dong kalo mau belanja di iTunes atau AppStore harus menggunakan Credit Card (CC)? Nah, buat yang ga bisa atau ga mau menggunakan CC baik karena takut CCnya dihack, atau belum punya CC, tersedia yang namanya iTunes Gift Card (iGC) yang di dalamnya berisi saldo / balance dalam satuan dollar, yang bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran dalam pembelanjaan aplikasi, lagu, film, ataupun buku (iBooks) di iTunes atau AppStore... Gampangnya, seperti fungsi pulsa, dimana saldo kita akan berkurang sesuai dengan harga item yang akan kita beli, dan bisa diisi ulang kapanpun semau kita

Q: Apa aja keuntungan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: ga perlu jailbreak untuk mendapatkan aplikasi dan game yang bagus (karena jailbreak menyebabkan hilangnya garansi device Apple anda), ga perlu repot membuat Credit Card, lebih mudah dalam mengendalikan penggunaan uang anda karena saldo bisa dipantau dan bebas dari jeratan hutang karena menggunakan Credit Card, Mudah, Murah, dan yang paling penting ga usah takut BERDOSA karena kita membeli dengan cara yang halal, legal, resmi, dan kita juga turut menghargai jerih payah developer aplikasi

Q: Kok murah jauh gan kalo dibanding lapak sebelah? Ini LEGAL, ORIGINAL, RESMI, dan BEBAS BANNED kan?
A: Kalau soal beda harga dari lapak sebelah mungkin karena relativitas setiap seller yang beda - beda dalam menentukan margin keuntungan gan tapi seperti slogan Warung iTunes, Code iTunes Gift Card yang kami jual ini 100% ORIGINAL & LEGAL, NO HACK, NO krack, NO WORRIES!! Garansi full lifetime anti disable, karena original dari Apple... (Nb: Garansi tidak berlaku kalau anda sebelumnya pernah menggunakan Gift Card hasil krack / hack / carding yang illegal ya gan tetapi kalau anda selalu menggunakan Gift Card Original, tentu saja produk kami ini aman untuk anda )

Q: Apa saja yang bisa saya beli dengan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: Anda bisa membeli aplikasi dan games untuk iPhone, iPad, iPod touch kesayangan anda di iTunes, beli aplikasi / OS terbaru untuk Mac di Mac AppStore, beli lagu, film, buku (iBooks) In-App Purchases, dan Produk digital Apple lainnya

Q: iTunes ID saya regional Indonesia (atau Singapore, UK, Japan, dll) nih gan, bukan US.. bisa pakai Gift Card ini juga ngga?
A: Gift Card ini khusus dan WAJIB menggunakan account US gan Tidak bisa untuk regional negara lain.. Apple, dalam menjual Gift Card, membedakan currency nominalnya berdasarkan Regional.. jadi jika currency dalam bentuk Dollar US ($), tidak bisa diisi untuk Regional negara lain, termasuk Japan, UK, ataupun Indonesia.. Untuk UK dan Japan serta negara lain sendiri, ada Gift Card khusus untuk regional tersebut Jadi, sekali lagi, Produk yang kami jual hanya bisa digunakan untuk acount Regional US saja

Q: Saya ngga punya account US nih gan, bisa ngga agan bikinin IDnya untuk saya? caranya bagaimana? berapa biayanya?
A: boleh ke sini dulu gan/sis

Q: Gan, kalo misalnya code yg agan berikan sudah ter-redeem gimana?
A: Kalau code yang saya berikan ternyata sudah ter-redeem, segera konfirmasikan ke saya dan akan segera saya cek gan apakah ada kesalahan data atau code yang saya berikan, dan segera saya ganti dengan code baru yg fresh jika memang terbukti kesalahan saya dan apabila code yang saya berikan fresh tetapi ternyata tetap tertulis ter-redeem, akan segera saya laporkan ke Apple dan pihak Apple akan melakukan tracking apakah benar code tersebut sudah digunakan, digunakan untuk ID mana, dan jika terbukti ID tersebut melakukan kecurangan, ID tersebut bisa didispute dan dibanned permanen jadi, tidak perlu kuatir bertransaksi dengan WeanStore : Warung iTunes, karena keamanan 100% dan disupport langsung oleh Apple

Q: Ada pertanyaan lain nih gan, kalo mau tanya kemana ya?
A: bisa contact ke contact person yang ada di atas gan
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Friday, March 30, 2012

$50 iTunes Gift Card

Q: Gan, Apa itu iTunes Gift Card ?
A: untuk user Apple iDevice (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) dan Mac, pasti tau dong kalo mau belanja di iTunes atau AppStore harus menggunakan Credit Card (CC)? Nah, buat yang ga bisa atau ga mau menggunakan CC baik karena takut CCnya dihack, atau belum punya CC, tersedia yang namanya iTunes Gift Card (iGC) yang di dalamnya berisi saldo / balance dalam satuan dollar, yang bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran dalam pembelanjaan aplikasi, lagu, film, ataupun buku (iBooks) di iTunes atau AppStore... Gampangnya, seperti fungsi pulsa, dimana saldo kita akan berkurang sesuai dengan harga item yang akan kita beli, dan bisa diisi ulang kapanpun semau kita

Q: Apa aja keuntungan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: ga perlu jailbreak untuk mendapatkan aplikasi dan game yang bagus (karena jailbreak menyebabkan hilangnya garansi device Apple anda), ga perlu repot membuat Credit Card, lebih mudah dalam mengendalikan penggunaan uang anda karena saldo bisa dipantau dan bebas dari jeratan hutang karena menggunakan Credit Card, Mudah, Murah, dan yang paling penting ga usah takut BERDOSA karena kita membeli dengan cara yang halal, legal, resmi, dan kita juga turut menghargai jerih payah developer aplikasi

Q: Kok murah jauh gan kalo dibanding lapak sebelah? Ini LEGAL, ORIGINAL, RESMI, dan BEBAS BANNED kan?
A: Kalau soal beda harga dari lapak sebelah mungkin karena relativitas setiap seller yang beda - beda dalam menentukan margin keuntungan gan tapi seperti slogan Warung iTunes, Code iTunes Gift Card yang kami jual ini 100% ORIGINAL & LEGAL, NO HACK, NO krack, NO WORRIES!! Garansi full lifetime anti disable, karena original dari Apple... (Nb: Garansi tidak berlaku kalau anda sebelumnya pernah menggunakan Gift Card hasil krack / hack / carding yang illegal ya gan tetapi kalau anda selalu menggunakan Gift Card Original, tentu saja produk kami ini aman untuk anda )

Q: Apa saja yang bisa saya beli dengan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: Anda bisa membeli aplikasi dan games untuk iPhone, iPad, iPod touch kesayangan anda di iTunes, beli aplikasi / OS terbaru untuk Mac di Mac AppStore, beli lagu, film, buku (iBooks) In-App Purchases, dan Produk digital Apple lainnya

Q: iTunes ID saya regional Indonesia (atau Singapore, UK, Japan, dll) nih gan, bukan US.. bisa pakai Gift Card ini juga ngga?
A: Gift Card ini khusus dan WAJIB menggunakan account US gan Tidak bisa untuk regional negara lain.. Apple, dalam menjual Gift Card, membedakan currency nominalnya berdasarkan Regional.. jadi jika currency dalam bentuk Dollar US ($), tidak bisa diisi untuk Regional negara lain, termasuk Japan, UK, ataupun Indonesia.. Untuk UK dan Japan serta negara lain sendiri, ada Gift Card khusus untuk regional tersebut Jadi, sekali lagi, Produk yang kami jual hanya bisa digunakan untuk acount Regional US saja

Q: Saya ngga punya account US nih gan, bisa ngga agan bikinin IDnya untuk saya? caranya bagaimana? berapa biayanya?
A: boleh ke sini dulu gan/sis

Q: Gan, kalo misalnya code yg agan berikan sudah ter-redeem gimana?
A: Kalau code yang saya berikan ternyata sudah ter-redeem, segera konfirmasikan ke saya dan akan segera saya cek gan apakah ada kesalahan data atau code yang saya berikan, dan segera saya ganti dengan code baru yg fresh jika memang terbukti kesalahan saya dan apabila code yang saya berikan fresh tetapi ternyata tetap tertulis ter-redeem, akan segera saya laporkan ke Apple dan pihak Apple akan melakukan tracking apakah benar code tersebut sudah digunakan, digunakan untuk ID mana, dan jika terbukti ID tersebut melakukan kecurangan, ID tersebut bisa didispute dan dibanned permanen jadi, tidak perlu kuatir bertransaksi dengan WeanStore : Warung iTunes, karena keamanan 100% dan disupport langsung oleh Apple

Q: Ada pertanyaan lain nih gan, kalo mau tanya kemana ya?
A: bisa contact ke contact person yang ada di atas gan
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

$100 iTunes Gift Card

Q: Gan, Apa itu iTunes Gift Card ?
A: untuk user Apple iDevice (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) dan Mac, pasti tau dong kalo mau belanja di iTunes atau AppStore harus menggunakan Credit Card (CC)? Nah, buat yang ga bisa atau ga mau menggunakan CC baik karena takut CCnya dihack, atau belum punya CC, tersedia yang namanya iTunes Gift Card (iGC) yang di dalamnya berisi saldo / balance dalam satuan dollar, yang bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran dalam pembelanjaan aplikasi, lagu, film, ataupun buku (iBooks) di iTunes atau AppStore... Gampangnya, seperti fungsi pulsa, dimana saldo kita akan berkurang sesuai dengan harga item yang akan kita beli, dan bisa diisi ulang kapanpun semau kita

Q: Apa aja keuntungan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: ga perlu jailbreak untuk mendapatkan aplikasi dan game yang bagus (karena jailbreak menyebabkan hilangnya garansi device Apple anda), ga perlu repot membuat Credit Card, lebih mudah dalam mengendalikan penggunaan uang anda karena saldo bisa dipantau dan bebas dari jeratan hutang karena menggunakan Credit Card, Mudah, Murah, dan yang paling penting ga usah takut BERDOSA karena kita membeli dengan cara yang halal, legal, resmi, dan kita juga turut menghargai jerih payah developer aplikasi

Q: Kok murah jauh gan kalo dibanding lapak sebelah? Ini LEGAL, ORIGINAL, RESMI, dan BEBAS BANNED kan?
A: Kalau soal beda harga dari lapak sebelah mungkin karena relativitas setiap seller yang beda - beda dalam menentukan margin keuntungan gan tapi seperti slogan Warung iTunes, Code iTunes Gift Card yang kami jual ini 100% ORIGINAL & LEGAL, NO HACK, NO krack, NO WORRIES!! Garansi full lifetime anti disable, karena original dari Apple... (Nb: Garansi tidak berlaku kalau anda sebelumnya pernah menggunakan Gift Card hasil krack / hack / carding yang illegal ya gan tetapi kalau anda selalu menggunakan Gift Card Original, tentu saja produk kami ini aman untuk anda )

Q: Apa saja yang bisa saya beli dengan menggunakan iTunes Gift Card?
A: Anda bisa membeli aplikasi dan games untuk iPhone, iPad, iPod touch kesayangan anda di iTunes, beli aplikasi / OS terbaru untuk Mac di Mac AppStore, beli lagu, film, buku (iBooks) In-App Purchases, dan Produk digital Apple lainnya

Q: iTunes ID saya regional Indonesia (atau Singapore, UK, Japan, dll) nih gan, bukan US.. bisa pakai Gift Card ini juga ngga?
A: Gift Card ini khusus dan WAJIB menggunakan account US gan Tidak bisa untuk regional negara lain.. Apple, dalam menjual Gift Card, membedakan currency nominalnya berdasarkan Regional.. jadi jika currency dalam bentuk Dollar US ($), tidak bisa diisi untuk Regional negara lain, termasuk Japan, UK, ataupun Indonesia.. Untuk UK dan Japan serta negara lain sendiri, ada Gift Card khusus untuk regional tersebut Jadi, sekali lagi, Produk yang kami jual hanya bisa digunakan untuk acount Regional US saja

Q: Saya ngga punya account US nih gan, bisa ngga agan bikinin IDnya untuk saya? caranya bagaimana? berapa biayanya?
A: boleh ke sini dulu gan/sis

Q: Gan, kalo misalnya code yg agan berikan sudah ter-redeem gimana?
A: Kalau code yang saya berikan ternyata sudah ter-redeem, segera konfirmasikan ke saya dan akan segera saya cek gan apakah ada kesalahan data atau code yang saya berikan, dan segera saya ganti dengan code baru yg fresh jika memang terbukti kesalahan saya dan apabila code yang saya berikan fresh tetapi ternyata tetap tertulis ter-redeem, akan segera saya laporkan ke Apple dan pihak Apple akan melakukan tracking apakah benar code tersebut sudah digunakan, digunakan untuk ID mana, dan jika terbukti ID tersebut melakukan kecurangan, ID tersebut bisa didispute dan dibanned permanen jadi, tidak perlu kuatir bertransaksi dengan WeanStore : Warung iTunes, karena keamanan 100% dan disupport langsung oleh Apple

Q: Ada pertanyaan lain nih gan, kalo mau tanya kemana ya?
A: bisa contact ke contact person yang ada di atas gan
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BeBuzz v5

Rp 45,000

Vendor : BellShare GmbH
size : 633 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

BerryBuzz versi 5, aplikasi yang meraih penjualan terlaris di dunia dan super best seller... dengan fitur baru, lebih banyak pilihan options untuk mengganti warna LED anda sesuai dengan notifikasi yang anda inginkan, dan juga bisa custom personal LED notification untuk contact telpon atau contact BBM spesial yang anda inginkan.. misalnya, BBM dari sang pacar akan mengeluarkan notifikasi LED warna pink, dan sebagainya... BEST SELLER!

Item Description

Take full control of your BlackBerry front notification LED! Green for calls from your boss, pink for e-mails from your girlfriend, blue for BBM messages from your kids and red/yellow for all your Twitter messages.

BeBuzz is the most feature packed and user friendly LED notifier app. Only BeBuzz adds unique features like Repeating Audible Notifiers, On-Screen Popup Notifiers, Text-to-Speech and Vibrate-While-Ringing.

*** BeBuzz is the only LED and popup app with support for individual BBM contacts! ***

With more than 20 Million downloads and multiple awards BeBuzz is one of the most popular apps for BlackBerry smartphones ever!

*** Featured on the official InsideBlackBerry blog as an AppWorld success story ***
*** Voted #1 BlackBerry App Developer of the Year 2010 by CrackBerry! ***
*** Nominated for the CrackBerry App Award 2010 "Best Utility - OS enhancement" ***

NOTE: If you have trouble reinstalling the app or are receiving the wrong version from App World you can download from and recover your license key from


- Choose from 20 predefined solid LED and 12 rapid flashing DISCO LED COLORS

- Assign colors for E-Mails, SMS, BBM and Calls from your FAVORITE CONTACTS

- This FULL version gives you UNLIMITED CONTACTS

- Assign colors for BlackBerry Messenger, Facebook, Twitter, Missed Calls, Calendar, Tasks, Battery and many 3rd party apps (see list below)

- Create an unlimited number of CUSTOM LED COLORS and DISCOS

- STACK 2 LED COLORS for even more color variations

- Repeating Notifiers: Keep your phone's audible notifiers repeating until you acknowledge them

- On-Screen Popup Notifiers: Unobtrusive on-screen messages ("toasts") for messages and events

- Text-to-Speech: BeBuzz will read your messages out aloud, fully customizable (free until Mar 31st, 2012)

- Vibrate-While-Ringing: Have vibrate while ringing for notifiers and incoming calls.

- Vibrate/sound on call connect/disconnect

- Fully customizable and doesn't drain your battery!

* Supported 3rd party apps: AIM, AP Mobile News, BeReader, BeWeather, BeejiveIM, BerryReview Mobile, BlackBerry News Feeds, Blaq, Chat for Facebook Pro, crunchSMS, eBay, Facebook, GoogleMail, GoogleTalk, GoogleVoice, GroupMe, ICQ, IM+, Improved Chat for Facebook, Kik Messenger, LiveProfile, MSN Messenger, MeterBerry, MySpace, Nimbuzz, OS 6 Social Feeds, OpenBeak, Pingchat, Pocket Informant, Skype, ScoreMobile, SocialScope, Soti Pocket Controller Pro, TheBirthdayApp, Trillian, TweetGenius, Tweetissimo, Twitter, UberSocial, Viigo, Whatsapp, Yahoo! Messenger, YouMail.

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Impatica viaDock

Rp 100,000

Vendor : Impatica Inc.
size : 239 KB (BlackBerry Client) & 25MB (PC Client)
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

Item Description

Ingin BBM-an di laptop atau komputer anda?? Ini solusinya!! Impatica viaDock!! Aplikasi super yang bisa digunakan untuk mengontrol dan melakukan apa saja dengan blackberry anda dan mengendalikan blackberry melalui laptop atau komputer anda dengan terhubung melalui kabel USB... anda bisa BBM, SMS, YM, dll tetapi melalui laptop anda!! sangat berguna untuk anda yang hobby chatting BBM, tetapi malas mengetik di keyboard kecil di BB... atau bagi anda yang ingin melakukan presentasi melalui BB dan ingin menampilkannya melalui proyektor... dengan aplikasi ini, laptop anda serasa BlackBerry!! SUPER BEST SELLER!!

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Fixmo Tools

Rp 75,000

Vendor : Fixmo Inc.
size : 3800 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

an all in one super mega utility application!! dalam sebuah paket aplikasi ini, di dalamnya terdapat 17 aplikasi dengan fungsi berbeda yang termasuk sangat komplit fungsinya... ada undelete (berfungsi seperti recycle bin dan bisa mengembalikan pin message, email, dan memo yang terhapus... ada screenshot, ada wifi file transfer yg bisa mengirim file via wifi, wifi media backup, battery watch. memory monitor, bandwith speedtest, sms recovery, led indicator, dan banyak lagi!! tidak bisa disebutkan satu per satu... dan harga aslinya mencapai $15 atau sekitar 135rb rupiah.. MEGA BEST SELLER!!

Item Description

16 Applications – Unlimited Utility!
Fixmo Tools 2.6 is like a utility belt for your smartphone, 16 handy applications in one simple download. Backed by world class support and experienced mobile developers, Fixmo Tools is an essential application for BlackBerry® users.

What’s new in Fixmo Tools 2.6?
•Support for BlackBerry® OS 7 devices
•Conserve Wi-Fi – A completely new application that conserves battery life by turning Wi-Fi on and off based on your location (cell towers)
•Deleting Apps – Optionally delete applications you use less frequently
•Performance optimizations

Existing Fixmo Tools Applications that you shouldn’t live without:
* Wifi File Transfer - Transfer files to and from a PC or Mac directly to your BlackBerry® using only Wifi and your computer's browser
* Remind Me Later - Schedule a reminder in your calendar for a meeting, email, SMS and more
* Screenshot - Capture a simple screenshot from any application from within the application menu. The captured screenshot is stored within the device's pictures folder
* Memo - Create a list to-do items that are posted directly on top of the background of your BlackBerry® display
* UI improvements across all applications
* Undelete is your phone's “recycling bin.” You can retrieve deleted email, PIN messages, calendar events, tasks, and memos
* Mail Compliance Manager helps you save face. It warns if you're about to reply all to a message on which you were BCC'd, use potentially inappropriate language/punctuation/capitalization and add unintended recipients
* Forward/Reply with Edit lets you edit the original message when you reply or forward it and is integrated seamlessly into the existing email menu
* MeetMe enables you to easily arrange a meeting by automatically selecting available times on your calendar and inserting them into an email
* Battery Watch monitors power usage and warns you when your battery reaches low levels
* Silencer watches your calendar and completely silences during scheduled events
* Memory Monitor tracks detailed memory stats and gives you an insight into your phone's performance across both RAM and Device Memory
* Multi Clipboard allows for the ability to store and retrieve multiple items in the clipboard
* SMS Recovery helps you recover your SMS messages by keeping a backup copy of all SMS messages sent or received
* Call Indicator allows you to set a different LED color for calls so you can differentiate them from other messages. Handy for when your profile is set to silent mode
* Speedtest measures the download and upload speeds of your 3G, EDGE and WiFi networks

Fixmo Tools 2.5, 16 handy applications, one download!

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Rp 30,000

Vendor : Smarter Apps
size : 8184 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 5 6 7

aplikasi yang bisa dipakai untuk mengedit foto kesayangan anda lalu langsung dishare melalui twitter atau jejaring sosial yang lain... aplikasi ini seperti di iPhone.. banyak fitur yang bisa dipakai di dalam aplikasi ini... cocok untuk anda yang hoby fotografi..

Item Description

InstaPhoto for BlackBerry® is the best Instagram like photo experience on a BlackBerry®. It allows you to choose from a library of 25 preset photo effects, including tilt shift, custom borders, color effects, grunge textures and decorative frames just like Instagram. It's a simple and easy way to create amazing photo effects to share with all your friends via Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr!

Alongside the standard photo effects, InstaPhoto also features unique photo effects such as a retro-styled poster with radiant rays fanning out to enhance your image, look at the world through a HUD of an aircraft, through the lens of an SLR camera, or create mugshots of you, your friends, and pets!

InstaPhoto also simulates the photo effect of tilt shift, a process often used to simulate miniature scenes. Choose from a radial or linear distortion, pinch and adjust a simple slider, then tap and let us do the rest! InstaPhoto automatically adds vibrant saturation to intensify the colors to create unique whimsical scenes.

- Easy to get started, simply choose a preexisting photo or snap one right away. Camera integration runs directly within app, allowing you to take a photo and start instantly!
- Images save to a custom gallery folder, and are featured when you load the app, or you can opt to view the latest uploads on Twitter from your friends!
- Large preview images allow you to see an effect clearly before making a selection.
- Simple controls with stunning pre-set effects, it's easy for anyone to use with just a tap of the finger!
- Quick rending, no long loading times for an effect.
- Unique effects creating interesting themes for your photos; periscope, mugshots, HUDs and many more!

Effect Features:
Tilt Shift
1962 - Simulate the photo effect of an old, black and white film strip.
Aquarius - Cool green-blue with just a small dash of orange.
Aries - Reds and orange converge for a warm photo effect.
Black & White
Bohemian - Release your inner flower-child with a decorative border and warm colors.
Burnout - Brightens the center of your image with burnt edges.
Cool Breeze - Light and breezy with cyan tones.
Dusk - Dulls your images colors and adds a touch of grit.
Gothic - Subtle orange and purple splash your image with a night feeling.
HUD - See your image through a heads-up-display in the sky.
Midnight - Intensifies a splash of orange with dark, burnt purple edges.
Mug Shot - Frame yourself, your friends, or your pets!
Noir - Intense blacks in a black and white image.
Number 6 - A playful combination of turquoise and orange with subtle texture.
Periscope - Creates the photo effect of peering up through a periscope in the night.
Polaroid - Create the look of a polaroid with a slight purple tone.
Ravage - Rough your images up with this photo effect.
Retro Poster - Grunge edges and rays radiate from your featured image.
SLR - View your image as though in the view finder of a SLR camera.
Spotlight - Burns a corner of your image with bright light.
Sunset Swirl - Bath your image in warm color, and adorned with a swirling border.
Taped - Tape up those corners and show off that image!
Torn - Torn and folded, with its colors fading away like an old poster.
Vintage Postcard - Snap a shot on holiday and send off your own vintage postcard! Post is included!

Title: Best Instagram Experience
5 Stars - February 29, 2012
This app has the best Instagram like experience on the BlackBerry platform. The UI is nice and fluid. This is a well designed app.

We hope you'll enjoy your experience with InstaPhoto, and we welcome your feedback for future improvements.

If you have any problems getting InstaPhoto running on your BlackBerry, please visit and we will help you to get in on the fun and sharing your photos with all your friends!

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Fancy Character

Rp 25,000

Vendor : FancyApps Limited
size : 423 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

kumpulan emoticon keren yang tidak disertakan dalam emoticon bawaan BB.. salah satu aplikasi paling dicari oleh semua pengguna BB...

Item Description

Make your friends surprised by smiles in BlackBerry® Messenger and fancy characters in EMAIL, SMS (GSM only), IM and PIN messages and status!

If it asks to pay for an update then get FREE Upgrades at official site

Please read the description and FAQ below and try a 5 DAYS FREE TRIAL!
If changed device and have issues with activation - contact support with old/new PIN details.

- About 300 Colored Smiles and over 200 flags for BlackBerry® Messenger 5.0
- Integrates to any application
- All supported Unicode symbols and characters
- Several categorized tabs for easy characters access
- Facebook char icons avaialble

1. After App Installation you will not see any new application icon
2. Click Menu button and then click “Insert Fancy Char” menu item
3. Click on any icon to insert to message
4. If application does not support direct integration then selected character will be stored in clipboard and you can paste it later
Q: It inserts ? instead of characters to the SMS
A: Go to options-sms and change encoding from 7bit to SC2. Unless you’re on CDMA version. CDMA SMS is very limited and unfortunately does not support Unicode, although email/pin and others will work.

Q: Can I have more symbols
A: You have to install East Asian Language and Input Support in BlackBerry® Desktop Manager.
Those Asian fonts have all Unicode characters required. This applies to 5.0 OS mostly. Older devices may lack some symbols.

Q: Why cannot I see colored Smiles and Flags?
A: Those colored smiles works exclusively in BlackBerry® Messenger so make sure you update your BlackBerry® Messenger first if needed ( You cannot insert colored smiles to any other app except BlackBerry® Messenger.
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Rp 35,000

Vendor : MMMOOO
size : 99 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

jika anda sering meminjamkan BB anda atau sering menaruh BB anda sembarangan, dan takut BBM anda dibaca orang lain, sms anda dibaca orang lain, atau ada aplikasi yang bersifat pribadi yang tidak mau dibuka orang lain, kunci aplikasi itu dengan password menggunakan iLock! dijamin aman dan tidak akan terbuka oleh siapapun.. best seller!

Item Description

The Classical version of our Super App - iLock, which has gained 500,000+ users' recognition! iLock enables you to lock all your private message, pictures, email address, file folder and so on...

It is the winner of ***Regional Selections Winners of 2010 BlackBerry Super Apps Challenge.

Case study:
1. Want to show your friend some content in your phone, but you don't want the contacts or SMS app accessible, then iLock is the one;
2. Lock pictures;
3. Lock a file folder;
4. Lock 3rd party apps;

How to use:
1. Enter iLock by press icon, and set a password.
2. At the top right there is "Core", "Own", "Third party", Core means System Apps such as Messages\BBM\Browser, Own means the apps/folders you locked via "Add Manually", Third Party means the third party apps.
3. Just select the ones you want to lock in the list and save. Then you could have a try, go to run the one you have selected to lock in the list, you will note that they have been locked and you need to input password.
4. Feature Item is "Add Manually" at the menu, to use it, please select "Add manually" - "Load App" -"Yes", then press escape key, select "Media"-"Pictures", and click, then "Yes".

Guarantee satisfaction:
If you find a bug or have a feedback, kindly write email to us, we can assist you well or provide revision asap, because we could not reply App World Reviews. Let's make a great app together! :)

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Signal Booster

Rp 35,000

Vendor : S4BB
size : 312 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

Aplikasi ini mengklaim mampu menaikkan atau memperkuat sinyal di BlackBerry anda hanya dengan 1 kali klik.. Best seller!!

Item Description

SignalBooster for BlackBerry® allows you to enhance your radio signal with just one click.

A "Signal Boost" will even work when you just lost your signal and you need to get it back right away. No device reset is needed.

★ Cool user interface!
★ Optimizes BlackBerry® radio usage.
★ No device reset required. Therefore a lot faster than everything else!
★ No new hardware: Software only solution. No additional hardware needed! Does not influence any other applications.
★ Instant feedback on radio reception gain.
★ How it works: by clicking the "Boost Signal!" button your voice, data and Internet connections are being reset. The best possible reception is chosen for the new signal and then all your connections come up again automatically. You will see a summary dialog of what just happened and how much performance you gained.

When the signal on your handset is weak, SignalBooster can enable or help to increase the signal all with a simple touch of the boost button with the instant feedback on the result.

You don't need to restart the phone to get the best signal as SignalBooster, which means you can save time being more productive and keeps you working.

If you like SignalBooster please write a review. Thanks.

This product comes with a 30 day value back guarantee. More info:

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Memory Booster

Rp 35,000

Vendor : S4BB Limited
size : 536 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

Aplikasi ini dapat memperbesar memory RAM dan mengoptimalisasi RAM blackberry anda sehingga memorynya lebih lega.. anda juga bisa melihat chart atau grafik perkembangan memory blackberry anda dalam 3 pilihan, teks, batang, dan garis.. BEST SELLER!!

Item Description

★★★ Nominated for Global Mobile App Awards 2011 by GSM Association! Rated Top 3 BlackBerry App by Fortune Magazine! ★★★

This WEEK only $4.99! Get it now before the price is back at $9.99!

Boosts your device speed by recovering wasted memory.

★ Optimizes BlackBerry® memory usage.
★ No device reset required. Therefore a lot faster than other applications!
★ No new hardware: Software only solution. No additional hardware needed! Does not influence any other applications.
★ Visuals: Fancy bar/line charts and textual high performance memory overview.
★ Automatic Background Boosting: Make sure the BlackBerry® is never wasting memory!
★ Statistics: Extensive statistical data for effectiveness tracking.
★ How it works: If memory is wasted, MemoryBooster improves the memory management of the BlackBerry® Java Virtual Machine JVM which optimizes the device performance and stability. MemoryBooster recovers lost memory that is then free and can be assigned to running applications. You will see your applications running faster after using our Boost Memory! function. By simply hitting the Boost Memory button you can recover up to 12 MB or even more depending on your device.

Ubiquitous Rule: The more memory available the more memory your other applications can use and therefore, the faster these applications run.

Defining memory: MemoryBooster boosts only runtime memory. This means it improves the BlackBerry® s memory usage for running applications which has a positive effect on the overall speed of the BlackBerry®. MemoryBooster does not do anything with the media card memory which is the space for file storage only and would not have any effect on the speed of the phone anyway. Therefore, please do not compare our product with the Options - Memory listing of the BlackBerry®.

Watch MemoryBooster on YouTube:
MemoryBooster rated in Fortune:

If you like MemoryBooster please write a review. Thanks.

This product comes with a 30 day value back guarantee. More info:

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Battery Booster

Rp 35,000

Vendor : S4BB Limited
size : 782 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

Aplikasi ini dapat mengklaim mampu mengurangi pengurangan batterai Blackberry anda sehingga lebih irit baterai... Best Seller!!

Item Description

Boost your battery's current run-time!

Benefits: Enhance the current battery run-time.
No new hardware: Software only solution. No additional hardware needed!
Easy: Just install and save battery.
Convenience: Can run in background: BlackBerry® can be used for other purposes as well.

★ Battery saving recommendations for BlackBerry® settings: best practice backlight timeout and brightness settings for battery preservation.
★ Automatic battery saving mechanisms when devices is not used: radio or WiFi connections might not be necessary when the device is locked.
★ Low signal radio saver: a BlackBerry® phone searches extensively for better network coverage when the radio reception is low, this wastes an tremendous amount of power and drains the battery very quickly. BatteryBooster can now switch off your radio if reception is too low.
★ Fully configurable battery saving options.

Plus TWO Applications included for Free!

★ PowerControl is a neat battery saving tool! It allows you to schedule your device to turn off and back on when you want. Multiple off/on schedules are possible and can save a lot of power!
★★★ Sells for $9.99 separately, but now FREE with BatteryBooster! ★★★

★ SmartWiFi saves battery by turning off WiFi when not needed and turning back on when needed. For example, WiFi being switched on is not needed when you commute between office and home. When WiFi is off battery is saved.
★★★ Sells for $9.99 separately, but now FREE with BatteryBooster! ★★★

If you like BatteryBooster please write a review. Thanks.

This product comes with a 30 day value back guarantee. More info:

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Angry Farm

Rp 30,000

Vendor : Smarter Apps
size : 3423 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

game seperti angry birds yang ada di iphone dan android, tetapi ini untuk blackberry!! Best Seller!

Item Description

*** Jan 30, 2012 Fifty NEW LEVELS were added for a total of 250 LEVELS!
*** DYNAMITE is now available for purchase to blow up difficult levels

That's 250 LEVELS of Angry Farm FUN! All upgrades are free to existing customers for life!

The Farmer is away and the farm has been overrun by an army of hungry foxes.

Help the angry animals fight back to clear the farm of marauding foxes. The angry animals are armed with a catapult and they fly through the air like furious birds before colliding spectacularly with the foxes who are hiding inside protective farm structures.

Each of the angry animals have special properties that you can control to defeat the foxes.

Angry goat flies through the air slamming into foxes and causing hay bales and wooden farm structures to explode.

Angry pig bounces like a super ball of furious rubberized pork demolishing foxes and their hiding places.

Angry cow flies through the air and accelerates to attacking speed when you click the trackpad or touchscreen while the angry cow is in flight.

Angry hen is a bird full of bad bird attitude. So full of bad bird attitude that angry hen splits into three angry bird projectiles when you click the trackpad or touchscreen while the angry hen is in the air.

NEW - A BUNDLE of DYNAMITE to blow up the barn whenever you are stuck on a tricky level and need to wipe out those annoying foxes! Once purchased, the DYNAMITE can be used once every hour. You only need to purchase the dynamite once.

To be sure that this app works great on your BlackBerry®, you can try it free using the Angry Farm Free Trial version.If you love playing games like Angry Birds ® you're going to love Angry Farm!

Here is what some of our customers are saying about Angry Farm(check out more great comments in the review section):

By: tangles1844
I have been looking everywhere for a game my daughter would like as much as angry birds ®, LOVE it. Very addicting. Now we will fight over my phone.

By: bunitesa
This app rocks! Very fun to play and so addictedddd :) worth downloading it!

- We've added 50 new challenging levels for a total of 250
- In-App purchase for bundle of Dynamite to clear a tricky level
- Engaging special audio and video effects *CDMA devices take note
- Supports BlackBerry® OS 4.6 devices and above- free upgrades to all existing customers forever

There is also a user community for Angry Farm. Angry Farmers can go to ask questions about a particular level and receive help from either community moderators or other Angry Farmers here:
We hope that you enjoy playing Angry Farm and we welcome your feedback for improving Angry Farm.

If you like Angry Farm, please write a great review. It will help us to keep improving Angry Farm for BlackBerry®!

If you have any problems starting the app, please visit and we will assist you getting setup.

*Please Note: The sound has been disabled for many CDMA devices. We are working hard to try and fix the problem as soon as possible. We do apologize and hope to resolve the problem promptly.

Key words: angry farm, angry birds ®, action, angry pigs, angry_birds, pig, cow, flying cow, hens, fox, foxes, angrybirds, catapult, slingshot, angry animals, goats, flying birds, angry apes, angry chickens, flying pig, arcade, launch, animals, Angry Birds ®, animal, play, game, physics, launcher

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Don't Disturb Me

Rp 35,000

Vendor : Mobile4Life
size : 207 KB
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

blacklist nomor telepon yang anda inginkan, dan nomor itu tidak akan bisa untuk menelpon anda ataupun sms anda...

Item Description

Don't Disturb Me! (DDM) is the Ulitmate SMS&Call firewall on BlackBerry® platform!
Block the spam sms messages by the sender's number or by the keywords! Use DDM to block unwanted calls!Use password to protect DDM' setting! Create sms filter directly from messaging application! Config how DDM will notify you when a SMS/Call has been blocked! DDM meets all the requirements of block spam SMS and unwanted calls!

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iBlocker Pro

Rp 30,000

Vendor : SKYANT
size : 312 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7

blacklist nomor telepon yang anda inginkan, dan nomor itu tidak akan bisa untuk menelpon anda

Item Description

iBlocker Pro is a Call Blocker application that helps you block any unwanted incoming calls made from private individuals, robot or automated calls, marketing personnel, telesales, both locally and overseas.


1. Black List and White List are available to allow you to define the numbers to block, or accept.
2. Block the calls by prefix or suffix numbers.
3. Block Private Calls and Unknown Calls.
4. Only Accept Numbers in Address book mode.
5. Block call is supported during call waiting mode.
6. Integrates with your Message, Address book and Phone Call Log so that you can easily add the Black List or White List number from there.
7. Flexible blocking methods which can be customized based on your needs.
8. Send the blocked caller to voicemail or silently drop the call.
9. Time Schedule allows you to schedule the time to block calls.
10. Auto SMS Responder helps you to send a pre-draft message to the blocked caller.
11. Password Protector helps you to prevent unauthorized access to the iBlocker Pro.
12. Easily trace back the blocked history that includes number, date and time. Besides that, you can directly make a phone call or send a SMS to the blocked caller by a simple click. (Excludes PRIVATE and UNKNOWN numbers.)
13. Report shows you the current status of the iBlocker Pro, total black listed numbers, total white listed numbers, blocked calls summary and auto SMS summary.
14. Switchable between Grid view and List view.

* For BlackBerry® Storm™ and BlackBerry® Storm2™ please follow the instructions to disable the compatibility mode to ensure the application display properly.
1. Go to "Options"
2. Go to "Advanced Options"
3. Go to "Applications"
4. Select the "iBlocker Pro"
5. Press the menu button on your device
6. Click on "Disable Compatibility Mode"
7. Restart your device

* Once you finish install the application, it will prompt out a dialog ask whether want to allow the PERMISSION. PLEASE ALLOW IT.

For more information, please visit

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Docs To Go Pro

Rp 20,000

Vendor : DataViz, Inc.
size : 5193 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6

Docs To Go premium version, plus PDF to go, unlock kemampuan untuk edit file dan membuat file baru yang tidak bisa dilakukan dengan versi gratis dari Docs To Go biasa yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membaca

Item Description

Documents To Go Premium Edition- NEW Version 2.0! This version allows you to view, edit and create Word, Excel & PowerPoint files all on your BlackBerry® device! The Premium Edition also allows you to view critical PDF files. Included with this version is a free desktop component for bi-directional file synchronization as well as a file browsing component for an organized and centralized location to access all of your files.
Whether it is a file from your PC or an e-mail attachment, now you can have your forecasts, contracts, product manuals, part numbers, meeting notes or any other kind of MS Office document at your fingertips with full editing capabilities!

Key features in the Premium Edition are:
•Create new Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files
•Open PDF files
•Open password protected Office & PDF files
•Desktop interface to synchronize files
•File browser app to find, move, re-name, & delete files
•Advanced character, font and paragraph formatting
•Apply cell and number formatting in spreadsheets
•And Much More!

Please Note: If you encounter a "Download Failed" or "907 Invalid COD" error during installation, uninstall Documents To Go, reboot your device and download again. For detailed steps on resolving this error, visit

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Slide + Pattern Lock

Rp 35,000

Vendor : Bulbera
size : 797 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7 TOUCHSCREEN

Sebuah kolaborasi dari Slide to Unlock gaya Apple (iPhone, iPad, iTouch), DragLockPro gaya Android Motorola, dengan Pattern Lock gaya Android yang sangat ekstrim dan keren.. aplikasi ini mengunci dengan 2 metode, slide dan pattern sehingga keamanan device anda jauh lebih aman dan terjaga.. Best Seller!


Item Description

This is the perfect combination of slide and pattern lock. Protect your BlackBerry® in a fun and elegant way. No more entering of boring passwords, just draw your pattern connecting the dots.

100% money back if you are not happy with our product (PayPal account required). Upgrades are always for free

If you want to try Pattern Lock before buying it, please check its Lite version which comes with a fully functional FREE TRIAL of Pattern Lock Pro


- Option to drag down or slide right before unlock

- Works directly with the native BlackBerry® lock button

- Automatically locks when your backlight goes off or after a configurable delay

- Zero initial configuration

- Starts automatically when your BlackBerry® is powered on and runs silently in the background. However, you can easily turn it off at any time.

- Locks out the device after configurable number of failed attempts. The lockout time is customizable too. Great against intruders.

- Forgotten pattern mechanism

- Emergency call support

- Configurable background. Use one of the backgrounds coming with the application or select a picture from your device memory / SD card.

- Configurable sound effects

- Customizable widgets: clock, notifications (new emails, SMS, BBM etc.), battery level and signal strength.

- Option to disable auto locking on certain applications (either native or third-party). Very convenient for browsers, maps, readers and others.

If you like Pattern Lock, please post a review / rating about it. We do appreciate your support!

For issues, comments or suggestions, please contact us at Your feedback means a lot to us!

If you want to stay in touch with us, please use the "Newsletter" option in the menu of Pattern Lock or like our Facebook page at:

We would also like to invite you to try our other products. Some of them that you will love are: Passcode Lock, Drag Lock, Alarm Clock, World Clock, Units, CheckLists, Menu WiFi. You can find them in BlackBerry® AppWorld by searching on vendor name "Bulbera".

Tags: pattern, slide, drag, down, slider, auto, automatic, lock, unlock, device, screen, keyboard, accidental, keypress, system, native, top, button, custom, configurable, background, sound, theme, clock, notifications

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Pattern Lock

Rp 30,000

Vendor : Tafasa
size : 797 KB
support :
Requirements : BlackBerry OS 4 5 6 7 TOUCHSCREEN

Bosan mengunci BlackBerry anda dengan password yang sudah jadul? gunakan Pattern Lock! mengunci BlackBerry anda dengan menggunakan pola yang anda tentukan sendiri yang terdiri dari 9 titik, seperti pada Android yang fenomenal..

Item Description

PatternLock offers a new and fun way for you to lock your touchscreen BlackBerry®. Before using PatternLock, you define your lock pattern. The next time you see the lock screen, you trace your finger in the pattern you drew before and your device will unlock. Any other pattern and in any other order will not unlock the device. PatternLock can lock individual applications, the call screen, and the whole device. This is the most feature rich lock application available today with options that range from notification icons, integration with weather apps, security features (such as password protecting your options), and tons of customization options.

PatternLock is the ultimate customizable lock application allowing you to pick custom colors and images for almost every aspect of the lock screen. You can apply special PatternLock theme files (.pltheme) to completely change the look of your lock screen. You can save your specific settings into a theme file to share with others. PatternLock can also work with the hardware lock key of your device, as long as you do not have the native lock screen enabled.

- Many autolock options such as startup and device inactivity
- Lock individual applications, call screen or the entire device
- Disable autolock when in predefined locations
- Backup/Restore options to encrypted file
- Custom background image, and tons of customization options
- Theme-able lock screen using PatternLock .pltheme/.plthemehd files
- Show notifications on the lock screen
- Emergency call support
- Assign to hardware lock key
- Show weather info from BerryWeather (BeWeather) 2.2+
- Lock out the device if the incorrect pattern is entered a maximum times.
- The funnest, most customizable way to lock your touchscreen BlackBerry!

DISCLAIMER: REMEMBER YOUR PATTERN! To use many PatternLock features, you must disable the built in BlackBerry® automatic password lock. For maximum security, you should use the built in BlackBerry® password lock.

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